Keeping Your Eyes Peeled: 6 Effective Boating Accident Prevention Strategies

Most boating accidents lead to minor injuries or damages, but there are some that will result in life-changing injuries or worse, fatalities. If you or your loved one happens to have been in a boating accident that was caused by another person which resulted in injuries, it’s imperative to seek the services of an experienced attorney. And no matter how much experienced you think you may be, it is always advisable to go through the boating safety rules to avoid any unfortunate incidents. In the interest of ensuring adherence to “safety first rules’ here are the six effective strategies for preventing the occurrence of boating accidents.

1. Always Operate the Boat While Sober

To ensure adherence to the rules of safety, it’s not advisable to operate a boat while intoxicated. Just like on highways, things may happen fast on the waters. As the operator, you need to be fully conversant with your surroundings, including the weathers and other boaters around you. Boating while intoxicated or impaired can increase the chances of accidents and fatalities and it is against the law. According to the U.S. Coast Guard, a boat operator suspected of boating while under the influence should submit to the sobriety test to establish their blood-alcohol content.

2. Always Have Your Emergency Radio On

This precaution emanates from an actual tragedy. The Philadelphia duck boat owners paid $15 million for the settlement of a wrongful death claim after two tourists died in a crash. The first mate of the boat had switched off their emergency radio, missing the crash warnings.

3. Watch out for the Weather

Before you can head out, make sure you check the local weather to ascertain whether it is conducive to go boating. If you see changing winds and darkening clouds, get off the water. Inclement weather condition is a major contributor to boating injuries and fatalities.

4. Carry Out Maintenance

Always perform a maintenance check on your boat before taking it out on the water to ensure that it is in perfect working order. Keep in mind that any accidents or injuries that occur as a result of the boat’s flaws may subject you to a negligence lawsuit. Also, if you are already familiar with the maintenance requirements, you can save a lot of money that you might otherwise have to spend on its maintenance. You can repair any small faults on your boat using tools like copper, Bronze Boat Screws, or wood plugs. These minor maintenance sessions will not only keep your boat in good condition for a longer period of time but will also prevent major accidents.

5. Read Liability Waiver Carefully

This is an important factor especially if you are renting a boat. Whether you read it or not, you’ll be most likely bound by the liability clause if anything goes wrong. It is, therefore, essential to know what it is you are agreeing to.

6. Life Jackets

While many people don’t like using life jackets, it is important to know that these are crucial elements when it comes to saving the life of a passenger, particularly children. Make sure all the passengers in the boat have their life jackets on just in case the boat capsizes.

Final Words

If you happen to be injured as a result of a boating accident and believe it was as a result of someone else’s negligence, make sure you hire an experienced boating accident attorney to get the assistance you deserve.

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