If you’re looking for a new hobby or sport that will give you thrills, fun and a lot of exercise then skiing could be the sport for you. Learning to ski daunting, but it’s easy to pick up and is really good for you.
How do I start?
Before attempting to ski on proper slopes, it’s worth visiting your local dry ski slope centre, or an indoor snow centre, to get a few lessons and learn the basics of skiing. Here you will learn what equipment you need (like gloves, goggles, and the best snow helmet) and the perfect skiing technique.
This will save you some precious time when you make it to your chosen holiday destination as you won’t have to spend half of your time having lots of lessons at the resort.
What to expect from skiing
Skiing is a great workout. Not only can you burn up to 500 calories an hour, but it’s also great for balance and strengthening your muscles and bones. It can be tough at first though, so try to get in some extra exercise before you hit the slopes to minimise your chances of injury or achy muscles.
Skiing can of course be cold, but it’s also extremely fun and a great adrenaline hit. Plus, with all the right equipment, you’ll be nice and cosy no matter what the weather. It’s also something the whole family can do, with many snow sport and dry ski slope centres offering lessons to children as young as three years old.
Skiing is a fantastic hobby and thanks to dry slopes and indoor snow centres, it’s now more accessible than ever.