How to Find the Cheapest Flights Around

Finding a cheap flight is not always that easy. Airlines often promise you that you’ll be getting a good deal on your flight, but chances are you can probably get it cheaper elsewhere. When it comes down to it, flights can be very expensive, especially if you need to travel at a specific time and on a specific day. Throw in a few first class seats and you could find your flights are more expensive than you ever imagined.

So, to ease the cost of those all-important flights we have put together some tips that will help you find cheap airline tickets so you end up spending less than you thought:

Book your Flight on a Monday

Those who book their flights on a Monday tend to spend less than those who book their flights on a Saturday. This is because flights are approximately 5% cheaper at the beginning of the week than they are at the weekend. While 5% may not seem like a lot of money, if you’re a frequent flyer you could save a lot of cash over the course of a year.

Monday’s are likely to be cheaper as fewer people may be booking their vacation first thing on a Monday morning. However, when a Saturday comes around and you’re keen to book flights so you can jet off to far-flung lands, make yourself wait a few days so you can save that extra cash.

Fly From a Large Airport

While it may be more convenient to fly from an airport nearby, it usually works out cheaper for you to fly from a large airport. For example, flights Atlanta Paris or Gatwick to France could save you at least a few hundred dollars. However, you may want to double check the cost of the tickets before you travel, just to make sure that you really will be saving money. Airlines occasionally run offers on some of their flights and it would be a shame if you missed out.

Fly With Different Airlines

Rather than booking a return flight with the airline you flew out with, why not think about booking with another one instead? It may be easier to book a return flight, but you could save yourself approximately $100 if you use another airline. You will have to do a bit of research and see which airlines are flying from your chosen destination, but it could be worth your while.

Finding the cheapest flights around may require you to do a bit of work, but your hard work could pay off quite nicely. Book your flight on a Monday when everyone else is getting over the weekend, and save a nice bit of cash.  Fly from a large airport as it’s likely to be cheaper (But be sure to double check that it is!), and finally, fly home with a different airline so you can save even more money. With a little bit of work, you can save a few hundred dollars on your flights, and that’s never a bad thing.

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