Hiking requires a lot of preparation. Whether we talk about physical shape or packing the food, there are things which separate experts from newbies. However, even if you are a beginner, you shouldn’t neglect some of these tricks. At the end of the day, they ensure your safety and safety of those around you.
So, without further ado, let’s check 8 must-know tricks for beginner hikers.
- Physical shape
Believe it or not, hiking is one of the hardest physical activities. Not only do you hike through rough terrain but you are also exposed to the elements and all that while carrying a large backpack. To be perfectly safe, make sure to get into shape.
- Mental stability
Hiking is first and foremost a physical activity. But, there is also a mental aspect that needs to be considered. This activity is something you should decide of your own free will. No one should force you or persuade you to go hiking unless you are 100 % ready for it. Given that it can be really exhausting, you don’t want to stop in the middle of the woods. Such a behavior can represent a problem for the entire group. So, make sure that hiking is something you really wish to do.
- Do not go alone
Truth be told, there are hiking aficionados who love going solo. But, such behavior is not recommended (especially to those who lack experience). Make sure to find a good company. Who knows, perhaps you get into a sticky situation where you have to rely on that other person? Always except the unexpected while hiking.
- Learn more about the trail
Same way you would learn about a foreign city, you need to get acquainted with the trail you wish to hike. There are several things you have to pay attention to. Most important is the wildlife. Although you will probably keep your distance, it is still necessary to learn how to handle potential threats. Besides that, hiker should also inform himself about the terrain and weather conditions.
- Filtering the water
Unlike food, which you can resupply every several days, water is a daily necessity. That being said, you will have to rely on springs and streams. Usually, this water is untreated. It’s full of microorganisms which can easily lead to stomach issues. Make sure to filter or boil it before use.
- Choose synthetic materials
Whether we are talking about tents or clothes, synthetic materials are the best choice. They are extremely light and reliable. In fact, you should avoid cotton and wool materials as they easily get soaked and are hard to dry. Only exception is woolen socks which need to provide warmth.
- Avoid strangers
Yes, hiking does seem as a fun activity. But like with anything else, you can never be too sure. There are different people on the trails. And naturally, while in nature you are much more susceptible. Sometimes, it is better to keep your distance.
- Go ultralight
As mentioned, hiking can be quite exhausting. For example, thru-hikes can last for months during which period people will lose a lot of body weight due to strain. Good way to reduce this energy loss is by reducing amount of things you carry. By going ultralight, you are also reducing risk of injuries.
Hiking can be really safe if you take these precautionary measures. Be mindful at all times and prepare adequately. Even if you do not know what you are doing, it can still be a fun experience. Hiking is definitely something to share with family and it just might be the active vacation you desire.