5 Ways to Improve Focus After a Vacation

Research now shows taking vacations can help boost productivity in the workplace. Easier said than done. After coming back from relaxing sun-kissed beaches and soft ocean breezes, actually getting back into the swing of things, especially if you’ve left everything disorganized, can be a bit challenging. Never fear, there are several ways to improve focus quickly after a vacation so you can prove to your boss the time off was worth it for you and your work.

Tidy up

Most people get rid of unnecessary items (think Junk Removal) and clean their homes before they go on vacation so that when they come back, they won’t get stressed out by unmade beds, dirty dishes, and a dozen other things that just add to the clutter. Seeing a clean home brings a sense of ease and welcome, and you should aim for the same at work. Clean your workspace, go through your inbox, and organize it to prepare for an influx while you’re away, send any last-minute reminders, and messages, and leave things neat and ready for your return so you can truly focus.

Keep track of your projects and progress

One of the challenges of coming back after time off is remembering where exactly you left off. Most of us have ongoing projects, and dropping them in the middle can make you lose track of all the ideas you generated before vacation, some of the aspects you discussed with your clients, and all the things you still have left to do. By keeping track of each project with detailed notes, to-do lists, and ideas, you’ll be able to refresh your memory more quickly and better focus your energy.

Make your vacation a real vacation

We all dread coming back to an inbox full of 1,000 new unanswered emails, so it’s understanding you’d be tempted to check your email while you’re away. However, it’s hardly a vacation if your mind is always going back to the office. Disengage and enjoy. Instead of communicating on vacation, set time aside when you get back home to go through your emails and notes.

Don’t skip sleep to work late

How to improve memory and focus? Follow your sleep schedule. If you feel pressure to try to catch up, try to resist staying up late to finish – you may already be struggling from jetlag or late nights out. The key to productivity is staying healthy and following your normal routine. If you don’t get enough sleep, your hormones will become unbalanced, you’ll feel fatigued, and ultimately be less productive.

Head back to the gym

Breaking travel news is awash with pictures of people reclined on beaches, delicious exotic foods, and luxurious spas. Although laying around and relaxing for several days while you sample local delicacies sounds like the perfect vacation, to regain focus you need to get moving again and keep your body in shape. Studies show regular moderate exercise improves memory, focus, and even protects your brain when you’re older. It might be just what you needed to focus again.

The key to focusing after a vacation is preparing, really enjoying your vacation, and then getting back into the swing of things without neglecting your own health. If you still feel distracted or sluggish you may want to check out a CogniQ review or other brain boosting supplement to give you an extra edge or take a trip to the doctor to make sure there isn’t a different reason you’ve fallen behind.

Author Bio:

Evlin Symon is a freelance health writer from New Jersey. She enjoys learning about a wide variety of wellness issues and staying up-to-date on the latest research. She also is the author of many active blogs.

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